Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript
Though often denigrated as a “necessary evil”, warehouses provide value to businesses and supply chains by many means. (A0ll0r:0ig1h:4t,2w):e're going to take some notes on this, and we'll call this warehouse value added. Ia na dp ot lhoegyi zgea ivne aydovua, nCc ewfaosr cmo my mh aennddwa br il tei ,n Sg . wT ahsi s s ga ot ies sf aac ltlo trhye, Nw awya bs anceke dt os ti hmepsr ioxvt eh mg er na dt . e I, tChsi na kn dt hI ewy owuel rde gaeftr aNi ds ionf tmwaok ianrge ayso: uo fneee lwt aoso ibna hd ainf dy wo ur igt iontga annFd. St hoeuos tuhael lry w, I aws ot aullkdi ng ge tt oa lol mc aunc' th ,s pa ne ldl ivte' sr yt hwe eslal ,mi fe ytooud awy .r Ii tt e' s sj oums t elti kh ei ntgh apto. oArnl yd et nh oe uogthh,e pr et ohpi nl eg Iwdi lils ci mo vaegriende itsh ai ft yiot 'us sa pn edl ltehde cno irtr' se cmt l ya .g Tn hi f ai et 'ds by oy utrr ypihnigl otsoo pwhryi t teo oo .nYtehaihs , si tc'rsebe ene. nA wn yowr kaiyn, gt hf oart ms aey sf o, r" Wa laornegh ot iums ee Value Added."
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