Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript
(O0n0e:3t3im:1e4)I:went and counted how many potential regulations there could be, how many ds toocpupme de nctos ucno tui nl dg .t hTehree obteh teor st uh pi npgo ri st , aonnotuhteb oi nubnoduinndt e sr indaet,i ot hn ea rl eo' rs dseor , ma nu dc hI gc oo nt ct oe r4n3 aabnodu It twhhea ttsroaenvsepro, rst aot iiot nt a ckoess t sp. r oTbhaeb l cyotnwt aoi nteor st h ar er ee tsi mt uec sk . a sT hl oe nr eg' st on po r oocregsasn iazna tiino tne rinna tti oh ne ma l order as it does a domestic order. (N0e0x:t3i3s:4ex9p):osure. If there's less inventory, now there's more focus on what's going on in the wt oabr ee h. To uh saet '. sYao uh ecaavny' t bmu ar kd ee na rmi gi hs tt atkhee, raen, ds ot hi fe ryeo' su mw oe rr ee ns'et cduerpi trye sc soendc esron sf atrh, ayno ut hme ri eg huts be de hn eorwe yi no uj ugsot taa sdeac yo.nIdf . yTohuehr ea'ds al eds sa yt,i mn oewt oy og ue t gtohte aws ohri fkt . dI fo ny oe .uI fh aydo ua us hs ei fdt , tnoohwa vyeo ua gwoet eakn, hi novuern. t oI tr' sy . jJuusstt dt iemf ea c tcoo, mt hperrees'ssi ol ens. s Sme ca or gnidn fios r tehrerroer' .s T lheesrse 'ms laersgsi ny ofuonr g esrkriol lre. dTl ha be roer' st o l eg sest the work done. (W0e0:h3a4v:3e2a):client right now. They're going into Eastern Europe to train warehouse workers af inndd tthheenpberoipnlge twh ei tmh ttho et hs ke i lUl sn, i wt e idt hS ttahtee se nt oe rwg yo rtkh ai tn tthheeyi r wwaanrte wh ohuesree bt he ce ay u' rsee l tohceayt ecda. nI 'nt Jwa pa raenh, otuhsee sa gi si nagn oi nf dtuhset rwy ,ohr ok wf o rbcieg ti sh es us icghn sa abr ei g, hdoewa l btrhi ga ht tntohwe l it ghhe t ss eanr ei o, rhi oz awt i ho ne a vo yf tt hh ee py oa cuk. aWg ees' l al rlee, t e ty oc eut egreat, eatwc ae yt e rwa i. tThh ea nn yOt hS Hi nAg , "i s annodt i nt htehne raensoatyhienrg , w" We i redr eoanl ley fi es e ll essosr rWy Mf oSr capability, and this is starting to turn here a little bit. (D0o0e:s35a:n2y2b)o: dy know what system are most warehouses operated with? Anybody know? EE RR PP ' ss yws teeamk es sat rlei nrku nonr i nwgh ma t oisst awna Er eRhPo us ys es st e, mi f 'tsh we ye' ar ek ersut nl ibnyk ?a Ist y' ss tuesmu aal ltyail nl . Wt h he elroeg iisst iacns as traerat. e dM, oa sntd oa f l ot th oo sf et h se ys se t seyms st e mw se rwe e nmt ai nn uaf raoc ut unrdi nYg2 Ks y, ss ot eamt sa toi mr ef i nwahnecni awl es ynset eedmtsh et om og es tt cwahpya bcial int yI, no fotte ng toi mp el asy wgeo lhf al vi kee t hI eu sl ee ads tt .o I, f wyho yu de vo eers wt hoi sn dweor er kd fwe ehly saoms tIr ewsos rf ukli,ntgh si so ihs atrhde, rtheaast'osngoriignhgtohneirnes.idTehatht'es wjuasrtewhohuastei.t is. If you have to sit back and try to put words to it,
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