Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript


When production changeover costs are expensive and/or time consuming, longer production runs may be optimal for the supply chain and the business. The resulting inventory, called lot size inventory is naturally housed in warehouses. (T0h0e:r0e4:a0r3e):other economies of scale, though. A second one is procurement economies of st oc abl eu. yF os or me xeat mh i pn lge , oi nf ysoaul eg, erti gahnt o? pWp oe 'rvt eu ngiot yt tt oh eb uh ya lsf -opmr iecteh isnagl ea: t yhoaul f gpor ti cteo, ebvee rcya br eofduyl lwi ki et hs tohbasto bl eesccaeunscee tahnedr ei 'ts' sannoitn fvreene t toor ys tcour rei na gl l coof st th at ht ai nt vg eone tsowr yi ,t hb ui tt ai fnydo tuh pe ruet ' sa ltl ht eh opsoet ennutmi abl ef or sr at og api nr os tc ut hr ee. dTehc ai st i' os na, ni t esct iol ln mo ma yy boef as cgaoloe d, bi du et at ot ogteatk et haed vdaena lt ,a yg oe uo fgtohta tt os pbeucyi a al ol po tp oorf t ui tn. iSt oy ahgaavient, ot hsat ot rbei gt hcahtusnokmoefwi nhveerne .t oArnydt wh ahtact o' smt heas ti ps lcaaclel ecda llloetdsai zwe ai nr evhe on ut osrey. a n d p h y s i c a l l y w e

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