E d w a r d H . F r a z e l l e , P h . D . RightChain™ Is it possible to have reasonable, high achieving goals? Absolutely. Especially if they are given incrementally. If someone told me that I need to lose 24 pounds (and I do) I would be discouraged. If someone told me that I need to lose 2 pounds per month for 12 months I would be encouraged. Incremental goals reflecting reasonable, sustainable progress is the goal! Motivational Performance goals can also be too low. As a sophomore in college I was in the scholarship program of one the large automotive companies. In addition to paying my tuition and fees they also provided a Summer job. My first assignment was to re- set a time standard on a lathe operation with an operator who had been working on that lathe before I was born. Needless to say he had his way with me. During that time I noticed that when I went out on the plant floor to conduct the work samplings between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm no one was on the floor. When I went to find them I soon figured out that they were hanging out at the exit doors and in the cafeteria. I was curious about how this worked. I wondered if this was normal. It was my first factory job. I asked my boss about it. He said that they had developed standards that comprised “eight hours worth of work”. As soon as someone had made their “eight hours worth” of product, they could stop. They were not allowed to go home, but they could stop working and “hang out”. That’s not | 11
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