How to Optimization Pallet Storage and Picking
chapter five RightStore Pallets: Pallet Storage and Handling Systems
the preference regions vary widely as a function of the cost and availability of labor and space. The analysis indicates the most economically appropri ate assignment of popularity-inventory families to pallet storage modes.
5.2 Pallet Handling Systems
In rank order from least to most expensive and simplest to most complex, the most popular pallet handling systems (Figure 5.27) include
■ ■ Conventional vehicles
■ ■ Walkie stackers (WSs) ■ ■ Counterbalance lift trucks (CBLTs)
■ ■ Sit-down counterbalance lift trucks (SDCBLTs) ■ ■ Stand-up counterbalance lift trucks (SUCBLTs) ■ ■ Driverless counterbalance lift trucks (DLCBLTs)
Figure 5.27 Pallet handling systems comparison
ASRS Machine
Automated Vehicles –
Turret Truck
Conventional Vehicles (≥11‘ Aisle Widths) Store/Retrieve & Load/Unload
Pallet Width Aisles
Sideloading Truck
Very Narrow Aisle Vehicles (> 6‘ aisles)
Straddle Truck
Counterbalance Lift Truck
Narrow Aisle Vehicles (8‘ to 10‘ aisles) Store/Retrieve Only
Storage Density (Pallets per SF)
Walkie Stacker
Investment Cost per Vehicle
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