How to Optimization Pallet Storage and Picking
World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling
■ ■ Narrow-aisle vehicles
■ ■ Straddle trucks (STs) ■ ■ Straddle reach trucks (SRTs) ■ ■ Side-loader trucks (SLTs)
■ ■ Very narrow-aisle vehicles ■ ■ Turret trucks (TUTs)
■ ■ Swing-fork turret trucks (SFTUTs) ■ ■ Swing-mast turret trucks (SMTUTs)
■ ■ Hybrid trucks (HYTs)
■ ■ Automated vehicles ■ ■ Automated storage and retrieval (ASR) machines ■ ■ Automated guided storage and retrieval vehicles (AGSRVs)
The applications, pros and cons, and related costs of each system are described next.
Conventional Vehicles Walkie stackers and counterbalance lift trucks make up the class of con ventional pallet handling systems. Walkie Stackers A walkie stacker allows a pallet to be lifted, transported short distances, and stacked (Figure 5.28). The operator steers from a walking position behind the vehicle. In a situation where there is low throughput, short travel distances, and low vertical storage height, and a low cost solution is desired, the walkie stacker may be appropriate. A typical walkie stacker can stack loads a maximum of three loads high and offers the dual purpose (no handoff required) of pallet retrieval/put-away and truck loading/unloading.
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