The Language of Logistics
The Language of Logistics
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LBL line back logistics LC letter of credit LCI life cycle inventory LCL less than container load LCSR logistics cost to sales ratio LD leadtime demand LDC local distribution center
lead strategy ac anp aa gc gi trye isns iavne t, i cs ippeactui ol ant iovfea cna ipnaccriet ay s pe l ianndnei nmga sntdr awt ei tghy t oh fe agdo da li nogf l a e t a tr d a t c im tin e g customers by improving service levels and reducing leadtime (L) (m1a) nmu faanc tuuf ar icnt ug r oi nr gd elre ai sd tri eml eea si se dt ht eo et hl aep fsaecdt otriym ue nftri ol mp r owdhuecnt ias iasv at hi lea bellea pf osre ds atl iems ef r of rmo mm awnhuefna cat un r oi nr gd e( r2 )i sp rr oe lceuarseemd etnot al e va ednt idmoer until the product is available for sales. leadtime demand hleiastdotrimicael number of units requested by customers during a
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