The Language of Logistics

The Language of Logistics

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line fill rate (LFR) the percentage of all order lines filled completely line–haul tloracnalsspworittcahtiionng fsreormvicoene city to another as differentiated from a line back logistics (LBL) dsuepsipglnyicnhgapinroduct logistics from the assembly back through the life to first repair number of trips a pallet will last before needing repair line load tthhee fwuelliglehntgotfhaournwitidlotahdocf oanpcaelnletrtated along a narrow area across liner av egsesneel ,roa pl reer faetri ne ng coent of i xoec de asnc hveeds suel el ss, taynpdi craol ul yt ecso n t a i n e r a n d R O R O LIS logistics information system LLP lead logistics provider LNG liquified natural gas load bearing surface literal area of material in contact with and supporting a unit load load factor (LF) ac o gn et anienrearl (ree. gf e. rt ehne cree ltaot i ot hne b ceat wp aeceint yn ue tt i wl i zeai tgihotn o of fc aar gvoe ha icctluea lol yr on board and the maximum net weight permitted for a flight)

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