The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.
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load line wi s a tpeer rl imn ei t tceodr r etsop olnoda idn, g et oi t ht he er mbayx i mf r euemb odarradf t troe gwuhl ai cthi oan sv,e stsheel conditions of classification, or the conditions of service load shift wu nhi et ns otmh ee tci omnet eanf ttes r oi ft lae ac ov ne st at ihneear cot ur at lr ao irl iegri na raen ds hbi ef tfeodr ei ni ts ai dr re i vt he es at the final destination LOC letter of credit logistics (c1o )n s tuhme e rfsl o wa n do fs ump pa ltieerrisa l ,i nicnl uf odrimn ga ttiho en , par oncde sms eosn oe yf cbuesttwo me eenr swear rvei cheo, u si ni nvge n(t2o)r yt h em aa nc taigvei tmi eesn to, f scuups tpol my , e rt r as enrsvpiocret, a itni ovne,n taonr dy management, supply, transportation, and warehousing logistics analyst au n dp er or sf et as ns ido, npa rl e duiscets, aannda liymt ipc raol v ea npdr oqc ue sasnetsi t awt iivt he i nmtehteh osdusp ptl oy chain Lo-Lo Lift-on-lift-off long ton 2,240 pounds longer combination vehicle (LCV) aa rter at cytpoirc-at lrl ayi ltewr oc o2m8 bfionoatt itorna i wl e irtsh; mRuol ct ikpyl eMt roaucnt toarisn ( de .ogu. bdloeus bal er es tt yr apiilcearl;l yt uor nn pe i k4e8 df oooutb loers 5a 3r e f cooomt pt rrai si leedr oc of ut wp loe dt rwa iiltehr sab2e 8t wfeoeont 33 and 53 feet in length)
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