The Language of Logistics

154 | The Language of Logistics open-to-buy (d1e)s iarne di n vi ne nv teonrtyo rpyu r tcuhransoi nvge rp l arna tbe a sfeodr o vnaarni ot ui csi p actaetde gsoarl ei ess a nodf mb eet rwc he ea nn dpi sl aen, dn ee pd a pr tumr cehnat ss eosr aenndt i rset oocpke raal trieoandsy( 2o)r dt he er eddi f f(e3r)e nt hc ee dpoarlltaicrulaamr opuenritodof merchandise that a buyer can order for a open top a container with sides, a bottom, but no top OPMH orders per man-hour OPT (1) order picker truck (2) order processing time optical character recognition (OCR) tneucmhneorilcogcyhafroarctaeurtsoemt atically reading a human-readable alpha-

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