The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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order entry accuracy (OEA) oarsdueprpsleynctheariendaaccccuurraactyelmy etric computed as the percentage of all OQE order quantity engineering order picking tsht oerpagr oecleoscsa toifont rsaivneol irndgetrot oa nf idll eaxctur astcotimn ger( pori cdkeirn g) a r t i cl es f r om order quantity engineering pquroacnetsitsieosfadnedtelortmsiinziensg purchase order and manufacturing run order communication accuracy percentage (OCAP) swuhpipc hl y ocrhdaei rn satcactuursaicsycmo me tmr iuc nciocma tpe du tceodr ar es ctthl ye troa ttihoeotfoot ar dl eorrsd ef or rs with status communication requests order picker moradnerasnd/or machine retrieving and selecting items for outbound order-up-to-level (OUL) tithieslpevlaecleodf inventory a replenishment quantity should yield when origin lwohcaetrieonthwe hcoenresiagnshoirprmeseindtebsegins its movement and typically original bill of lading (OB/L) ac o nd torcaucmt feonrt c raerqr iuaigr ei nwg hpi cr ho pme ru sst i gbneamt uarrekse df oar s c“oonr si guimn aml ”a bt iyn gt h ae issuing carrier


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