The Language of Logistics
156 | The Language of Logistics original equipment manufacturer (OEM) farocommoptahneyr mthaant ubfuaicldtusrietsrsown products from components bought OS&D over, short or damaged OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OTAP on-time arrival percentage OTB open-to-buy OTD on-time delivery OTDP on-time departure percentage OTIF on-time, in-full OTR over-the-road OUL order-up-to-level outgate pi nrtoecrems sodoaf lcfhaecci lki ti ny gora ncodnrtealienaesri nyga radcon ta in er or t rai l er out of a n outlier b w a e a d e s a x t a a c n l u p e d o le e in m d t e f s r n o o t m f o a f r f o rreemc aosvt ei ndg f trhoema cntoi vr mi t ya lf oprawt t he ri cnhs tthhea td ai tt as hpooui nl dt
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