The Language of Logistics

162 | The Language of Logistics palletizer human, robot, or machine charged with placing objects on pallets

pallet truck power pallet jack Panamax ocean vessels capable of traversing the Panama Canal pallet racks configuration of metal posts and beams for housing pallets pantograph ap na r ael xl et leongsri aomn fdoervmi c es o cmoentsi mi s tei sn ga t toaf c hr ei gdi dt o ml ief tmtbreurcsk s j oai lnl oe wd i ni ng them to reach into storage locations Pareto’s Law ps yr si nt ec mi p lcea no f baenaatltyrti ibcus t es tda tt ionag mt hi anto rai tmy ao jfotrhi et ya cotf otrhs emaacdt iev fi taymionu as by the Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto (aka “80-20 rule”) passive tag an RFID tag without its own power source and transmitter

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