The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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payload (f r1e)i gl ohat ,dc ac ar gpoa cei tqyu iopf ma ennat ,i r(cmr aafxt i mi n uc lmu dtiankge of uf fe lw, ceri ge hwt, mp ai ns suesnbgaesr isc, etrmanpstypowrteight) (2) revenue-producing load carried by a means of

PDD peak daily demand (units) PDP perfect delivery percentage peddle run route traveled by a city truck

perfect delivery percentage (PDP) twhiet hpo eurt cdeanmt aogfe , awl l i tdheolui vt earciceisd eenxte, cwuittehdo upt ecrl af ei mc t lsy, e (t ci ..e). o n - t i m e , perfect order percentage (POP) twhiet hpoeur tc ednatmoaf gael l, oo rnd- teirms ed, ewl i ivtehroeudt peer rr of ercst, leyt(ci..)e . w i t h o u t s h o r t a g e , perils of the sea ((12)) eclaeumseesntoafl lroisssksfoorf owcheiacnh tarnanoscpeoarnt carrier is not legally liable perishable freight freight subject to decay or deterioration perpetual inventory (PI) i h a n n is v t e o a n u r t i t o c o a r m y l i a n i t n v e e d a n t m o sy r e s y t t h l e e o m v d e l a s o t , f s a a m n le y o s n , t i r i t e m o t r u e i n rn b g y s t a c h n o e d n r t v i e a n c l u e u a i e p l l t y a s nrde c ol envcei ll i nogf PFR pallet flow rack


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