The Language of Logistics

194 | The Language of Logistics smart card acappltausrteicancadrpdrwesiethntainmfoargmnaettiiocnstripe and/or RFID chip used to SIOP sales, inventory and operations planning six sigma up pr oocne s sJ a pma na ne saeg e mp reoncte sps r omg raanma g edme ve ne lto ppeadr a db yi gMmos t ofroocluas ebda soe nd rf aemd uocui sn ga st haebeursrionress sp setrrma tiel gl i yo nb yi nGcei dneenr tasl Ea nl edc tsrui cb s e q u e n t l y m a d e skate wheel conveyor aw sheerei less doef ps ek na dt ee nwthoene ltshme do ui mn teends ioonn ss hoaf ftths ewl oi t ahdt hb ee isnpga cc oi nngv oe yf et hde

skimming reading an RFID tag surreptitiously

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