The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.
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SKU stock keeping unit SKU rationalization ti thme pe er ot sc et hs sr eosfhvoal dl uri ne qg ueiar cehmSeKn tUs af onrd rdeemt eari nmi ni ngi ni ng twh eh eptohretrf ool iron o t SL shelf life SLA service level agreement slap and ship gl aebneelroi cn tae rcma s er eofrepr railnl egt tjou spt lparciionrg t (osilta pbpe iinngg )s hai pbpa er dc o d e o r R F I D SLI shipper's letter of instructions slider ao ft rt ha iel et rr awi liet hr taoraeda rj uasxt l teusrent i tnhga rt amd ai uysboermwoevi ge dh tf obrawl aanrcde t o t h e r e a r slip sheet af o of ltapt r si nhteoe ft tohfe cpaarldl ebtoiat rsdu popr opr tl as ,s ot inc wo fh isci hz ea jluosatd liasrpg learc et hd aann dt hi es manodv/eodr/arepmusohvepdulwl aittthacahmspeenctial fork lift equipped with rollers SLO service level optimization slot position al o cuantiiqouneonf ua mc oenr itcaai nl eorr oanl pbhoaanrudma evr ei csas le ls, paenc ii ft iecma t ii onna owf at rheeh eo xuas cet, or container in a yard
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