The Language of Logistics

198 | The Language of Logistics split shipment sohni pt omaenndt twr ai tnhs pmour ltteidp lvei ac oonntea ionremr sowr ei tvhe st hs eolsse c o n t a i n e r s l o a d e d split sourcing stwouorocirnmg oprreostoucpoplliuenrsder which the same item is procured from spotting upnlalcoiandginagcontainer exactly where it is required for loading or SPM supplier portfolio management SRM (m1a)nasguepmpelinetr relationship management (2) supplier risk SS safety stock

SSI safety stock inventory SSP supplier service policy STA scheduled time of arrival

stack two or more unit loads placed directly on top of one another stack car ai nntoetrhme or dyai le l fdl ai nt cg a br edt teesri gcnaer da nt od pt rl aa icne uotni l ei z ac toi no nt a i(na ekra o“ wn etl ol pc a or ”f bt heec aduos eu bt hl ee csat ar sc kaerde dceopnrteasi ns eedr si nwt hhee nc e nmtoe vr itnoga lul onwd ecrl elaorwa n- lcyei nogf structures)

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