The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.
| 197
SOLAS safety of life at sea sole source a source of supply for which there are no alternative suppliers that psproecdiuficceatieoxnasc(tely.g. tfhoer psaatemnetedpirtoedmusc)t with exactly the same solid deck pallet a pallet with no spacing along its deck solid side pallet a pallet constructed such that its stringer sides are not notched SOP standard operating procedure sourcing ainstseigrnnainl ganadnedxtaelrloncaaltsiunpgppliuerrcshases or requisitions to certified SPC statistical process control specialized carrier at r uccakr lroi eard ,w lheossse-t hparni n-tcri puac kl lcoaardr i aagnedi/so ro u tcsoiudrei etrh es reer av li mc e so f ( ef u. gl l. flatbed, tank, agriculture, bulk, munitions, and waste carriers) speculation padrovdanuccienogf aocrtubaul ydienmgainndventory based upon forecasts and in split case order picking pc ai cske i (nagk ao r“db er or sk ewn i tcha s qe upai nc kt iitni eg s” ) laess so pt hpaons e tdhtaot fhuol lucsaesde , i lna yae rf uolrl pallet picking
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