The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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RightChain™ technical stop aoifrflcoraadftinlganodrirneglofaodrinfguecalirnggo and/or crew change, but without telescoping belt conveyor tbheel t f cr ao mn vee fyroerq wu ehnotsl ye luesnegdt hi nc laona db ienvg aarni eddubnyl ot ae dl ei sncgo cpai ns egs stl oi d/ef rs oomn trailers TEU ton equivalent unit TF time fence TFO time fence optimization tare weight tcha er /wt reaiigl ehrt, ot hf ea nw ee img hptt yo fc tohnet acianre/rt roari l ve er heixccl el u(sei v. ge. oa sf iat sp pc ol ine dt e nt ot sa) (aka “unladen weight”) tariff amleergcahlalinsdtiinsge oimf rpaotretssfor transporting cargo (2) customs duties on TD true demand TDBU top-down-bottom-up TDC twoatarel hoduisstirnigbucotisotns) costs (the sum of transportation and TDF top down forecasting

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