The Language of Logistics
210 | The Language of Logistics third-party logistics (3PL) lwo igtihs t i c as cpt ei vriftoi rems e dt ybpyi cs aolml ye o ni ne col tuhdei rn gt h a np ut hbel i pc r i nacni pd a l bcuo snitnreascst wfoarwreahroduinsigng, common and dedicated carriage, and freight TIC total inventory cost tie toerromnuaspeadllteotdescribe a layer of product positioned in a unit load tier u(1n)itas flaoyrmerinognpaaprtaollfeat (u2n)itlelovaedl of distribution (3) single layer of tilt tray sorting system sc oo rnttiinngu ocuosncvheayiann cc oe n vs ye sytoermw iwt hi t thr atyisl t itni pgp itnr ga y(s“ t ial ttitna gc h” )e da s ttoh e ya p tr a a s y s the takeaway chute designated for the merchandise on the
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