The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.
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unit load rpeaflel er et snacne dt pe ramc k af go er spl oa ac dk ae gdeisn toora ccaornttoani ns elrooa rd ae dn yoont hae rpwa lal ye tt, hoart edneavbicleess”t)hem to be handled all at one time as a unit (aka “unit load unit train ad etsriaginna twe di t hdiens tai n tartai oi nn owrhui cnht i lrae mc haai nn gceoinnnreocut teidn ga iss am audnei t f o r a unitization csohnipspoilnidgautinoint foorf eaasqieuranhtaintydloinfgindividual items into one large unit gross margin unit selling price (USP) less unit inventory value (UIV) UIT unit inventory turns UIV unit inventory value ULC unit landed cost ULCC ultra large crude carrier ULD unit load device UMLER Universal Machine Language Equipment Register unconstrained demand (UD) nwuhme tbheerr ot hf oosred oe rr ds erresc we i ivl el db ef of ur l fai lnl ey dgoi vr enno tp (ear ki oad“ tirrur ee sdpeemc tai vned )o f
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