The Language of Logistics

220 | The Language of Logistics uni-block pattern ainrrtahnegseammeendtiorfeuctniiotns in their unit load in which all lengths are laid unit fill rate (UFR) itnhveepnetrocreyntage of customer unit demand satisfied from on-hand unit gross margin (UGM) dvaiflfueerence between the unit selling price and the unit inventory unit inventory turns (UIT) tthherouragthipoutof average inventory level in units to annual unit unit inventory value (UIV) w( 1a) spprri coec upraeidd (t2o) aa cs tuupapl lai emr oi un nc ltuidnivnegs ti endb oi nu na du nf riet iogfhat pi f rtohdeuictte tmo make it available for use if it is manufactured. unit landed cost (ULC) pcousrtcshase price of product (UIV) plus all required transportation unit load AS/RS ap uo tuonmd as t ai cn ds t ho er aa gvei e ra)n dl o ardest r ni eovraml aslyl ys t pe ml a c ehda nodnl i nwgo ol adr goer p( 1l a, 0s 0t i0c pallets unit load pattern tchaertoarnr,acnagrteomnesnotnoaf pparloledtu, ecttsc.)in their unit load (e.g. pieces in a unit selling price (USP) the price per unit paid by a customer for an item

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