The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.
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unitization (( 1e .)g .g irno uc po ni nt ga i tnoegrest ho er ro on f pi tael lme tss )f o(r2 t) r saencsuproi nr tg i nmt aot et rrai anls tpoo ar t puanl li et st bfoyrsmtraatpepriianlgh, awnrdalpinpging, or other means to provide a secure load Universal Machine Language Equipment Register (UMLER) computer readable file of vital statistics for rail cars car in service UOB units on backorder
UOM unit of measure UOO units on-order UP (1) unit profit (2) Union Pacific UPC Universal Product Code UPL units per line UPMH units per man-hour URCS uniform rail costing system USDA United States Department of Agriculture USITC United States International Trade Commission
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