The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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V Terms VAI value added inventory

value added inventory (VAI) (v1a )r i a ibni vl iet yn troi sr ky ( saadf de ti ny gs t ovcakl)u, eo f f bs ey t t imn gi t si geat ut ipn ga n dd eomr daenrdi n/ gs ucpops ltys (r leoqtu i rsei zme e ni nt sv e( np ti po reyl i)n, e ai nn dv e nctoovreyr) i n( 2g ) pa lhl yisni cvaeln/tfoi srcya lt h al et a idst inmoet enxocne-svsaloure-wadadsteed(i3n)vethnetodryifference between total inventory and value analysis ombej tehc ot idv eoof f ar ne da luyczi inngg t ht he ec ocsotsbt yosf uab spt ri toudt ui ncgt mo ra tseerri avli coer cwhiat nh g ti hn eg d“veasliugen,ewnghiinleeearcincogm”)plishing the same function or purpose (aka value of shipment fvianlaunec, iFaOl Bv aol ruieg i onf, eaxnc leundtiinr ge fsrhe ii pg hmt ecnhta rdgeef isn, ea dn da es xtchi se e nt ea tx esse l l i n g vanning stowing or placing cargo into a container


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