The Language of Logistics
224 | The Language of Logistics variance (p1l a) ntnheed ,doi frf et ar regnectee db e(2t w) seteant isatci ct uaal lvaf irgiaunr ec es a n d t h o s e b u d g e t e d , VAS value added services VCI value chain integration vendor managed inventory (VMI) irne vl eevnat no tr yc mo nasnuamg epmt i oe nn t i pn rf oo rgmr aamt i ounn dt eor aw hS ieclhl e ra Bwuhyoe rt apkr eosv i df uelsl responsibility for maintaining an agreed inventory level vertical carousel (m1e) t ha lo riinz do enxt ae ld c aeri tohuesre l atuutronme da t oi cna liltys evni ad ca onmd peuntcel or s ec od nitnr oslh, eoert mwoarnkuasullryfabcyethe order picker working a keypad on the carousel's
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