The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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automated visual inspection ud seet e cot fi n ga f cl aawmse, rcao, mi mp ial igneg sptraotci setsi sc os ,r , a nadn di n smp ieccrtoi npgr odc eosc suomr e nf ot rs and containers

automated warehousing as two raargeeh, oauns de i rnewt rhi ei cvha la ascutbi vs ittai ne st i aalrpea pr teor ff ot rhme er edc ewi vi ti hn og u, pt uht ua wmaayn, operators automatic data capture (ADC) tceocmhmnoulnogiciaetsions,uch as bar coding, radio frequency data digitized voice, and radio frequency icdoel lnetcitf ii oc ant i oonf dwa thai c hi n t os upa p oc or tm pt uhtee r i dseyns tt iefmi c a toi or n o tahnedr mdiicrreoc -t processor-controlled device without using a keyboard automatic equipment identification (AEI) tr ha ei l cuasres ,o fc omnat ac hi ni ne res- ,r eaandda bt lreu ct akgs s i on r oc roddeers toon terqauc ikp ml oecna tt i sounc ha nads usage automatic identification (auto ID) db ri roeacdt l yt eirnmt o rceof me rpe un tcei nr gs yms teetmh os dws i ot hf ocuotl lhe uc tmi nagn ai nn vdoel vnet me rei nngt d a t a


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