The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.
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average inventory value (AIV) ap ve er iroadg eo f vt ai ml uea tci oomn pouf t ei nd vaesntthoer ys uomv eorf tt hhee i nc ov ue nr st eo r oy fv aa l usepsetcai fki ee nd abtytthheeennudmobrebreogfipnnoiinntgsoifnstoimmee number of points in time divided average replenishment quantity (ARQ) ar enpi lnevnei snht omr ey nmt aqnuaagnetmi t ye not vset ra t ai s tpi ca rctoi cmupl aurt epde br iyo dd i voifd ti ni mg et hbe yt ot thael number of replenishments received during that time AVI (1) available inventory (2) automated visual inspection avoidable delay tuinmnee cdeesl as ay rnyo at na dl l oiws eddu ien tsot afnadc at or rds t iumned ec ra l coupleart ai ot on rs bc eocnat ur os le ai tnids responsibility AWB air-way bill
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