The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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benchmark (c 1o )m ms toann dtaor dt h eo f i nmd ievai ds uurael muenni tt s wo fi t ha peonpouulgaht i o cnh at roa cf taecri li si ttai ct es r( 2e l)i aab sl et acnodma pr da roi sf omn eoaf saut rt er imb ue tnets tfyopr i cuanl il tys us es el edc ti end j of rbo me v aa lsuaamt i po lne, performance ratings, operational standards, and cost estimating beneficiary (o1f )creendtiittyistoiswsuheodm money is payable (2) entity for whom a letter BFF best fit forecasting BI business intelligence bi-directional a a v n u eh t d o i c mw le a h t o i i c r c h a c l a l c y r a o a n u n s d e o l w p w e it r h h a i t c e e h q u d in a o l e f t s u h n n e c o t t f i o o h r n a w a v a l e i r t a d y s poer c irfei evde rfsreo ndt iorre cbtai ocnk big data analytics (BDA) addatvaanbcaesdespattern recognition applied to large scale transaction bill of lading (BOL, B/L) ad o fcourmme, nat icnt ign sgh iapsmae nct oi nn tf or ar cmt a bt ieotnwienecnl u da i nsgh ioprpi geirn , adneds t icnaartriioenr ,, carrier(s), number of items included in the shipment, etc. bill of material (BOM) hp ireordaur cc th ii nc acll ul ids itnogf si tuebm- assus seemdbi lni etsh ae nmd adneusfiagcntautri eo no r a s s e m b l y o f a


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