The Language of Logistics

46 | The Language of Logistics billing carrier cpar rerpi ae rr i n egxtehceuwt i na ygb i li lndi toi ac lu ml iennet a nh ad ut lr a ns es mr viitctei n grtehsep oi nnfsoirbml ea t ifoonr to any subsequent carriers bin shelving metal shelving used to house small items

binnables (( 12 )) isnmv ae lnl tiot er ymisn sat opri ec kd i ne igt hs leort os nt osrhe edl vi ne ss toere ldsi rheecl tvliyn gi n, acso onpt apionseerds t( op ipe ac lel se)t or af cmk sa t(e3r)i aol radreer ppiicckkei nd gf rsoyms t eomp ei nn wc ahs iecsh osrms ahlel l qf ubaonx tei st i teos fill orders (aka “bin stock”) bins osmpeanll sptloacsktickeoerpicnagrdubnoitasrd containers usually used for storing

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