The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D. CLV customer lifetime value CM (a) centimeters (b) continuous moves (c) cubic meters CMI committed inventory

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CMV commercial motor vehicle CNG compressed natural gas

RightChain™ ao nf ai nl pdhuas -t nr yu ma ne rdi c gboavrecr ondmeesnytmobroglaongiyz aatdi oo np st e fdo br ybao wt hi di en dniuvmi dbuearl product identification and shipping package/container identification co-load tlowaodshipments from different terminals combined to ship as one collar cinotlolaapsbiobxle wooden container or bin which transforms a pallet COC changeover cost COD (1) cash on delivery (2) collect on delivery (3) carried on dock Codabar ac hnaeraarcltye rb asre tc opdrei ms ya mr i lbyo ul osgeyd pi enr mn oi tnt-ignrgoec ne rcyo drientga iol fptohien nt uomf sear il ce applications, blood banks and libraries Code 39

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