The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.
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collect on delivery (COD) Lc oolgl ei scttiecds bs ye rtvhiec ed et el irvme r yu nc adrerri ewr ah ti cthh et ht iemree ot af idl epl ri vi ceer yo f g o o d s i s combi aircraft auiprpc rearfdt eucnki fqourewl ya rddeosfi gi tnsepda st os e na cgceor ms ema toidnagtceo mc aprag rot ml oeandts i n i t s combination rate transportation rate composed of one or more published rates commercial invoice (CIV) aprbimillarfoyr sghoipodpsinigssduoecdufmroemnt ausSeedllerbytocua sBtoumyesr wseorrvldinwgidaes tfhoer rc eocmomr doodfi tay t rcaonnst ar oc tl i oann db evtawl ue ae tni oann ea xnpdo rr et eprr ea snednat inn igmap oc rotme rp l e t e committed inventory (CI) cr eusset or vmeedr si n, bvue snitnoersys huenl idt ss, pa encdi/f iocra lcl hy aonrn ea ll sl oocfa bt euds i snpees cs i f i c a l l y f o r common carrier pb uu sbilni ce sfso ro rt raagnesnpcoyr ttahtai ot ni s oi fmppearrst oi anl lsy, ag vo aoidl as b, l ceu fror re nhciyr e atnod /t hoer documents conair container ur enfirti ga enrda rt eedl i acnotnotna ienxetresr nc aolosl eodu r wc eist hoof ur te ftrhi geei rr aot wi o nn irnecf lrui gdei nr agt oi onn- board refrigeration and dockside refrigeration concealed damage pdaacmkaaggeetohractoisntnaoint eervident by viewing or inspecting an unopened concentration point caomnbetinweodrkto mnoadkee fuwllhterruecklloeasds-tshhaipnm-treunctks load shipments are
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