The Language of Logistics
68 | The Language of Logistics conductive ink osof pcohnisdtiuccattiendgianskigconnaltaining powdered silver and carbon, capable conference (o1v )e ra ftfhi lei ast ai omn e orf ovuet ses( es l) owwhnoe ar sg raened t oc ocmh amr og ne uc anri froi er rms or apteersa tai nn dg ac opnp sl ye nutn i of of r me x ti se trimn gs omf ceamr rbi eargse (o2f ) “t chleo s ec od n” fceorne fnecree n (c3e )s r“eoqpuei nr e” cteocnhfnericeanlcaensd afilnloawnciaml setmanbdearsrhdisp to anyone meeting certain confirming bank cboannfkirmwahtiicohn, toata Ltehteterreoqf uCersetditof an Issuing Bank, adds its confirmed letter of credit aa nd vi ri srienvgo cbaabnlkesl estot elro on fg car se dt iht eg us ea lrlaenr ’tse eddo cbuymbeont ht st ha er ei scsoumi npgl iaanndt with the terms of the letter constrained production planning (CPP) pmraonduufcatci tounr i n gp l arnens oi nugr c e sw i ti nh c l ucdoi nngs t r laai bnot sr , mp laaccheidn i n go n h o ukresy, storage, and raw materials connecting carrier cc aornrni eerc twi nigt hl ian kd ibreetcwt epehny st wi c aol ocromn noercet icoanr rwi eirtsh a n o t h e r f o r m i n g a consensus forecast cf oor- edceavsetlso ppe rde, pjaori endt , "boyn ed inf fuemr ebnet r "d ef opraerct amset ndt se r iavnedd fl reov me l s t hoef management of an organization consignee tahned p a rptoysisne as sgi loonb a l ol of g i sgtoi cosdtsr a n(saakcat i o n“ bwuhyoe ru”l t i mo ra t e l“yi mt apkoerst tei rt l”e)
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