The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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cross filling fulfilling customer orders with inventory from multiple facilities cross stacking (d1u)e a bt oi l i ttyh et o ri ni bt e rd-es st ai gcnk doi nf f e rt he en t choeni gt ahitns earn db as si zee s( 2o )f caornrtaani ng ei nr gs ssutaccckeasbsiivlietypaanlldetsttaiebrislitayt right angles to one another to improve crosstie ponaleleatnsottahcekring pattern in which some tiers are at right angles to CRP (p1r)ogcarapmacity requirements planning (2) continuous replenishment CSCMP Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals CSI (1) customer satisfaction index (2) consignment inventory

CSL customer service level CSP customer service policy CSR customer service representative CTM collaborative transportation management CTN carton


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