The Language of Logistics
The Language of Logistics
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C–TPAT Customs–Trade Partnership Against Terrorism CTS cost to serve CTU cargo transport unit cargo transport unit (CTU) gaesnaecroicntraeifneerrence to a container or transportation vehicle acting cube out av orleufme reetnr ci ce (tcouab ec)o nc at apiancei tryl obaedf oerde i int ss pu cehr ma iwt t ea dy wt heaitgiht trceaapcahceist yi t s customer lifetime value (CLV) nc uest t opmr eesrednut r ivnagl uteh eof fo rtehcea s ftoe rdelci af es toefdt hpe rroefliat tsi ornescheiipv e d f r o m a customer order (C/O) an order received from a customer customer service policy (CSP) ar e sppool ni csye st pi me cei,f yrientgu r nk es yp odliimc ye, nds ei ol invse roy f f rseeqr vuiecnec y(,e .egt. c .f)i l lw irtahtien, vchaalunanteiolsn of service within classifications of customers by ABC customer valuation ab sussiignneisnsg tay pvi ac al ul ley t ion ctohrep ocroant it nr igb ubt iuosni n eo sf s e af ac cht ocruss t (oem. ge. r s at ol e sa, mc oas rt -gtion-, sme ravreg ifna c%t o)r, ss t(rea. gt e. goircdfearc tvoarrsi a( be .igl i. tgyr, or ewt tuhr,nr er pa tuetsa)t i o n ) , a n d customhouse getocv.ernment office where duties are paid, import documents filed,
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