The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.
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customs gpor ov teercntmt heen tc oaugnetnrcyy’ s cihmapr goer td awn di t he xepnofrotrrcei nv eg ntuhees raunl de sl apwass s e d t o customs broker coof mi mp apno yr toe rr si /nedxi vp iodrut ea rl sl i ci enn sheadn dblyi nag g couvsetronmmse nt rt atnosaacctt ioonn sb e(haaklaf “customhouse broker”) customs entry c p a a r d r o r e p i c e e l r r a ’ l r s y a d t v i e e o c s n l s a e o r l e n d m i na cnoi fme si nt gt of o er enisgunr eg ot oh da st caol lmf po ar er ei gdn a gg oa oi ndsst at hr ee Customs–Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) vC oulsut no mt a sr ya ns udpBpol yr dcehra Pi nr osteeccut ri oi tny i pn aNr tonveerms hbi epr e2s 0t a0b1l i as hl l eodw ibnyg Ut h. Se. cfoarrmgoaloitficeesratnifdieidnsppaerctitcioipnasnts faster processing through customs cutoff time (COT) (t o1 )meexeatc ta tsi cmhee da uc loendt at ri na ienr looratdriani gl e fromr du es tp ba re t iunr-eg a( 2t e) dt iamt ea at enr mo ridnearl must be received by to guarantee delivery by a specified time CVA customer value added CWT (1) call wait time (2) customer wait time CY container yard cycle counting aa nn da cqcuoaunnt it ti yn gb ymceot uh no tdi nogf ianuvt ehne tnotri cy al tei vnegl so nf o- rh ae na cdhi np va er tn nt ourmy bvearl uaet aparretgnuulamr binetre’srvvaallu(ceyacnled)/tohrepleonpgutlharoitfywhich is determined by the
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