The Language of Logistics
82 | The Language of Logistics demmurage ah cacrems isnogr i aa l c acrhrai er gr ’es al es svei et du t ai l gi zaai nt i sotn sbhyi phpoel dr si n go ro rceomn spi lgonyei ensg tfhoer cc ao rnrtiaeirn’ se ras s) sbeet ys o(ned. g t. hveeahlilcol we se, dv fersesee ltsi m, rea (i la kc aa r“sd, ettreunctki os n, ”t )r a i l e r s , density the weight of cargo per cubic foot (or other unit of measure) despatch aanndinucnelnotaivdeinpgayment to a vessel operator for expeditious loading destination (( 12 )) dp el asci ge nwa ht eedr ea na dc anrarmi eer da pc tl ua ca el l yt ot uwrhnisc ho vaesrhci aprmg oe nt to i as cc oo nn ss ii gg nn ee de or his agent (3) location of the consignee DEQ delivered ex-quay design for assembly (DFA) pthreodausscetmdebsliygpnrtohcaetstsakes into account the impact of the design on design for logistics (DFL) pthreodlougcitsdtiecssipgnrotcheaststakes into account the impact of the design on destination delivery charge (DDC) ac rna na ec c el isf tsso roi af fl tchhea rvgees, sbeal ,s eddr aoyna goec eoaf nt hceo nctoani nt aeirn es irz ew, ictohvi ne r ti nh ge terminal, and gate fees at the terminal operation detention ac o ncshi ga nr goer / cmo nasdieg n eoen f ot rra i luesres / coof n taa i nc ae rr sr i e rh’ es l dv e hb iyc l eosr a fnodr/ oar c“doenmtauinrrearsge”b)eyond the agreed upon free usage period (aka
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