The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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RightChain™ ps hr iordt su, cot ri oanp po lf i ai nn dc ei vs i (daupaol “upnriot sc eosfs fmi nai ns huef adc tguoroi nd gs ” s) u c h a s s h o e s , dispatch (( 12 )) tsoc hseednudl ea av ne hdi ccloenat rnodl/oofrtor apnesrpa toorrt aatni odn/ oars sceotnst a i n e r o n i t s w a y displacement wv oel iugmh te oo ff sae avwe sasteelr da ni sdp l iat cs e dc obnyt et hnet sv ecsasl ec ul bl ayt et hde ba yv edr ai vgied di negn st iht ye of sea water distribution aa ngde nwearrael hroeuf es irnegn c(ea ktao “tphheycs oi cma lbdi ni setdr i ba uc ttiivoint i”e) s o f t r a n s p o r t a t i o n diversion modification to a ship or shipment while in route devanning unloading a container or cargo van DFA design for assembly DFL design for logistics DFO (1) damage free order (2) delivery frequency optimization DIR drive-in rack direct store delivery (DSD) ra enfde rdei ns tcrei bt ou tti ho en pc re anct tei rc se aonf dmdaenl ui vf ea rc yt ut rheeri sr bg yo po ad ss sdi ni rge wc t al yr et oh or ue ts ae isl stores discrete manufacturing

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