The Language of Logistics

94 | The Language of Logistics efficient procurement inventory (EPI) iwn hv ee nn t oa nr y ui nn upsluaac le ot op paocrctoumn imt yo dt oa t ep rfoocr usrtee eapr i ds ei ssc oy ue tn tr es qc euni raersi oas large purchase quantity to consummate the deal EFT electronic funds transfer EIL excess inventory level EIV excess inventory value electronic data interchange (EDI) gdeonc ue rmi ce n ttse,r mi n sftoarn d tarradni zsemdi sfsoiromn s , obf e t twr aene ns a cctoimo npaul t e dr astyas t eamn ds typically executed via a batched transmission EDIFACT (a1n)d ETl ercatnr sopnoi cr t D (a2t a) Iinntteerrcnhaat ni ognea lf odr aAt ad mi ni nt ei srtcrhaat ni ogne Csot amnmd ae rr dc es sponsored by the United Nations electronic product code (EPC) t G a S g 1 s standard identifiers used with barcodes and encoded in RFID ELQ efficient logistics quantity embargo declaration to prohibit and/or restrict freight movements

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