The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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en route in transit encryption srecraadmobnlliynbg yotfhdoastea fionr swuhchoma wit aisy itnhtaetnidtecdan be unscrambled and engineer-to-order (ETO) pporosdtpuocnt iinsgreecneigviendeering for a product until an order for the enterprise resource planning (ERP) ob pr oear adt-ifounnaclt i aonnd tbr auns isnaecst iso n asly as tcetmi v i t i esso louft iaonn so r ghaanni zdalti ni ogn ( teh. ge. qquuaannttiittiyeisnvporiocdeudc)ed, quantities processed, quantities shipped, entry exit optimization (EEO) cohboj eocstiinv ge fmu na rckt ieotne(net. rgy. ma na dx i me xi izte pporionftist , bma isneidm ui zpeo enx pa oqsuuar ne )t i fai ne dd constraints (e.g. risk tolerance, capital availability) E/O emergency order EOQ

economic order quantity EPC electronic product code ERP enterprise resource planning ERQ economic run quantity


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