The Language of Logistics

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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exchange bill of lading tahbei lol roi gf ilna adli nbgi l li sosfuleadd ibnyg awchaerrrei ei nr ot hr ea gmeindtdtl he ma t ains si su bi ds et int ut itf ei edd f oa rs the shipper and covering the identity of the consignor exchange pallet ar epc ae il lveetr us saemd obnygas tdwe shi gonma toewd nger or suhpi p( poafl ltehtep po ao ll l)e ot fi ss ht irpapnes rf es rarne dd with the ownership of the unit load exchange rate amuonniettoafryt haemaonuont ht erreqcuoui rnetdryo’fsocnuerrceonucnyt ry's curren c y t o p urcha s e exclusive use of trailer at r adiol ecruomr einn t terda i lsehrisp wp ei trh’ so ur et qguoeosdts ffor ro mt haeni ro tghoeordssh itpop et rra v e l i n a expediting accelerating or accelerated transportation services expendable pallet (f r1o) mp asl lhei tp pi netre nt do e rde cf oe ri vae rs earfiteesr owf hh iacnhd li itn gi ss dd iusrpi on sge ad s(i 2n)g l pe atlrl iept utilized for a single transaction and not expected to be returned export (g1o)osdhsiptomaennottohfegrocoodusnttorya foreign country (2) shipping or sending exporter ea nntei tnyt i(tbyeinneof inceiaorry mo ro rsee lfloerre)i gt hnactohuanst rcioens t ra c t e d t o s e l l g o o d s t o exports gmooordesoathnedrsceoruvnicterisesproduced in one country and sold in one or


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