The Language of Logistics
96 | The Language of Logistics emergency order un rogremnat l oorrddeerr ppr ol acceesds i nagntdi meexspaenddi t ci ohuasrlgye sr e q u i r e d o u t s i d e t h e economic (or efficient) run quantity (ERQ) ms eat unpu/f acchtaunrgi nego v errucno s tqsuaanndt iitnyv etnhtaotr y mc airnriymi ni zgecso s ttsh e t o t a l o f ES&OP executive sales and operations planning ETO engineer to order ETA estimated time of arrival ETD estimated time of departure EU European Union Euro-pallet swt ai tnhd aa r dw opoadl l ebt l ionc kE udreospi genwbi teht wdei me ne nt shieo nt os po fa1n2d0b0omt t ommb yd e8c0k0s permitting four-sided access by lift trucks
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