The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.
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forecast leadtime demand (FLD) fboyr ec cuas st ot emd e(ros r deuxrpi ne gc t ae df )u tnuurme bl eeardot if muen ict os mt hpaut t ewdi l al sb et hree qp ur oe ds tuecdt omfetahseuerxepected leadtime and the demand rate per leadtime unit of Force Majeure nn ao mn –ef uolff ial l mc oemn tm oo nf ct hl aeui rs e oi bn l icgoant ti or ancst sr, eesxuelmt i np gt i nfgr otmh e cpoanr tdi ietsi of no sr beyond their control (e.g. earthquakes, floods or wars) foreign direct investment (FDI) iennvtei tsyt md oemn ti ciinl ead ci onuandt ri fyf'esr emnatncuofuancttruyr i ng or s er v i ce s ect or b y a n fork entry obpeneneainthg tbheetswtreienngedrencoktscho, ftoaadpmaliltetfo, rbkesneath the top deck or free span distance between supports in a storage rack fork lift u t m h t a i e l c i t z h r i i u n n c g e k f u o srekds tmo ot rvai nn gs puopr at na nd dd loi fwt ng oaomd sa lsot aadt teadc oh ne dp taol l et ht se of rr osnkti dosf forwarder at og ednets wt i nhaot iaornr aonng eb se ha na ldf ob fo ao ks sh itphpe et rr a( na sk pa o“ rf rt eoi fg fhr te fi go hr wt far rodme ro” r) i g i n fourth-party logistics pt erromv i dr eefresr oe nn cbi ne hg aal fgoefnae rsahl i pmpaenra(gaekra o“fl eoat dh el or goius tt si cosupr cr oe dv i ldoegri”s)t i c s four–way pallet pfraolmletadllefsoigunresdidseosthat the forks of a fork lift truck can be inserted
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