The Language of Logistics
The Language of Logistics
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FP frozen period FPO (1) frozen period optimization (2) flow path optimization Free Alongside Ship (FAS) dI Ni sCcOh Ta rEgReMs t uh ne dme rwwh ehni c thhae ys eal rl ee rpcl laecaerds at hl oeni rg sg iodoedtshfeo vr eesxspeol rat t at nh de rnias mk se/dc ops tosr tf o ro fg osohdi ps mf reonmt twh eh es irdee uopf ot hne st hhei p bt ou yt he re daes ss tui nmaetsi o na l l Free Carrier (FCA) IcNl eCaOr eTdE Rt oM t uh ne dcearr wr i ehri c sht iapsuel lal teerdd ibs yc htahreg ebsutyheeri rogr oaondos tfhoerre xppa or tryt an ua tmh eodr i zpel adc teo wphi cekr eu up pgoono dt hs eabt ut hy ee r saesl lseurm’ s epsr ea ml l irsies sk so ra nadn octohset rs at rsasno sc pi aotretda t wi o int ha fdt ee lri vdeerlyi v oe fr yg ot oo dc sa rtroi efri naanl dd ae ns tyi ncautsi ot onmi ns cfleuedsi nt og import the product into a foreign country Free on Board (FOB) IdNi sCcOh Ta rEgReMs tuhne dme rwwh he ni c ht hae ys eal lreer ocnl ebaoras rtdh et hi re gvoeosds se lf oart et hx pe onrat ma ne dd pgooortdosffrsohmipmtheins tmwohmeernetufpoornwtahredbuyer assumes all risks/cost for free port rimesptroircttegdooadrsea at a seaport for the handling of duty–exempted free time tt hh ee cpaerrri ioedr ’as lal osws eetds bbeyf oc ar er rdi eerms uf or rr asghei pcphearrsg eosr arceccreui vee r s t o u t i l i z e free trade zone (FTZ) (d1u)t ya- f cr oe el l eocrt i on ne aor f dcuotlyl a- fbroerea tt irnagd ec oaumnot rni ge ss t wt hheomh a( ve .eg . nEeug root ipaet ae nd Union, North America Free Trade Agreement) (2) a defined
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