The Language of Logistics
Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D. gwehoigc rha hpahsi c"ae rxet raa, t- tyeprirciat lol ryi aa l c" i st yt aot ru sp owritt ahrreeas, ps ei mc ti ltaor tthoea cfor el lee cptoi or nt , oadf mcuissstiobmilistydruetsytr, icimtiopnosrt and export taxes, and other cargo freezer container at esmp pe ce iraal t tuyrpees oa ft roerf rbi eg leorwa t et hd eci or n“ et aui tneecrt iwc hp iocihn tc”a, nf rme eazi inntga ipnoci anrt g(o- 6d 2o wdne garnede acne ni nt fi ignriat de es)t osroa gl oe wl i f et hi sa tmaal li nmt aiicnreodb i a l a c t i v i t y i s s h u t freezing chain tuhneb pr or ek secnr il bo eg di s tf ri cese zc hi nagi nt ef mr opme rma taunruef ai sc tcuornes tt oa nctol yn smu ami ne tr aiinn ewdh i c h freight (t e1r)mi ns , pah y sgiecna el rtaelr mr se,f ear egnecnee r at ol r emf eorneenyc e ptaoi dc a rt og o c(a2r)r iienr sf i sfcoarl transportation services freight bill an invoice document for carriage and accessorial services freight consolidation tshi neg al ec t l ootf coormcboi nn it na gi n et wr ol ooard mcoornes tui tnuitqi nu ge cao nms iogrnemeecnot ns oi mn tioc aal sshegipmpeinngtsunit for shipment over all or some of the transportation freight consolidator asenrevnicteitsy or individual contracted to perform freight consolidation freight forwarder ei nnttoi t oy noer li anrdgi ev ri dsuhai pl wmhe on ta as snedmbboloe ks ss mt r aa lnl si pn ot er rt nt ay tpi oi cnaal ll ys hi ni pc lmu de ni nt gs caugsetnotmfosrcclaeragroance and compliance essentially acting as a travel | 107
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