E d w a r d H . F r a z e l l e , P h . D .

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• The few key resources (the depersonalization of the most important individuals in the company) who are candidates for supply chain logistics projects are stretched so thin on dizzying arrays of projects that they have no capacity to handle the true requirements of supply chain strategy initiative. • Consultants retained as supply chain guides are often young and inexperienced; follow regimented problem solving approaches; and more interested and financially motivated by selling or integrating large, expensive software projects. • Third-party logistics firms who are looked to for supply chain strategic advice are really only qualified to provide advice pertaining to their supply chain niche, and even that may be biased towards their products and services. • The decision support tools used to help supply chain professionals often do not properly reflect financial objectives and service constraints, are often only operable by the software developers themselves, and are currently operated by harried professionals with little or no training.


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