4 | R i g h t C h a i n ™ • Less than 10% of supply chain professionals have any formal education or training in supply chain logistics, and that education is often outdated and/or impractical. • Competing, short-term executives grasp for supply chain silver bullets, shortcuts, and get rich quick schemes leading to impatience and unreasonable expectations. • In the name of “cost avoidance”, procurement is still looking for the cheapest first price and are costing double that in hidden inventory carrying, lost sales, transportation, and poor quality costs. These are observations I have made and heard while working with our supply chain strategy clients and executive education students for the last twenty years. There has to be a better way. We developed and have been quietly working with that better way for many years. We call that way, RightChain™. Based on more than two decades of supply chain strategy consulting, executive education, and research, the RightChain™ program includes the definitions, methodology, tools, curriculum, principles, metrics, processes, and delivery mechanism required to address the

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