E d w a r d H . F r a z e l l e , P h . D . RightChain™ major decisions in supply chain strategy development. The RightChain™ is successfully guiding the supply chains of large, medium, and small companies in nearly every major industry around the world and is responsible for more than $5 billion in bottom line impact through optimized combinations of sales increases, expense reductions, and capital utilization improvement. The RightChain™ typically puts between 1% and 5% of sales on the bottom line . It has been taught to more than 10,000 supply chain professionals in seven languages around the world. RightChain™ Definitions Nearly 20 years ago we were helping a large food company develop a supply chain strategy. One of the recommendations we made to the company was that they create a supply chain steering committee. The company accepted our recommendation and asked me if I would facilitate the first meeting. The meeting began at 8:00 am on a Tuesday morning. The meeting went very well for the first six or sevenminutes. It then started to sound like our minivan used to sound about five hours into a long trip with our kids. There was | 5
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