The RightChain Guide to Supply Chain Network Optimization 18

RightChain™ Nodes

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Constraints 1. 2 3 . . MMeeeett aallll lcaunsetofmloewr rreeqsupiornesmeetnimtse. requirements. 4 5 . . DD oo nn oo tt vv ii oo ll aa tt ee aa nn yy lf aa nc iel i tt hy rsot uo gr ahgpeu ct acpa apcaict ii teise. s . Do not violate any facility throughput capacities. Network Tradeoffs sBoemf oer ek we ye tdr ae dl veeo if nf st oa to wu ro nr ke tiwn ot rhka td we si il gl ng umi deet htohde oel ov ag lyu, at thi eorne aanr de design of alternative networks. Network Configuration and Inventory Carrying Cost Ss tuopcpkliyn gc h al oi nc aitni ov en ns t oi nr y tl ehvee l ns el ot wg ioc rakl l y i innccrreeaassee a( sF itghuer en u 1m) b. eTr hoef it nh cer ae sassoeciisaat erde sf uo lrteoc fa tsht ee gr rr oe rast ,e ar nndu mt hbeerreos fudl tei pn gl o ay dmdei tni to dnea cl issai of entsy, si dt oe cnkt i. fCyoi nngs et hq eu ef enwt l ye,sat snuupmpbl ye rc hoaf ilno gniesttwi c os rfka ci si l iot fi teesnt ho aptt iwmiilzl emdebeyt customer response time requirements.

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