The RightChain Guide to Supply Chain Network Optimization 18

Edward H. Frazelle, Ph.D.

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Figure 1 Supply Chain Network and Inventory Tradeoff Analysis

Network Configuration and Travel Times Ai mnpy anc te t wo fo rtkh eo pnt iemt wi zoa rt iko ndaens iaglny s ios na l scou snt oe me desr t os ecrovni csei d et irmtehse. Af ascsi ul i mt i ei ns gi ntchr ee afsaecsi,l itthi ees a av reer apg lea cdei sdt alno cgei c taol l yc ,u satso mt heer snduemc br eear s eosf (bFaisgeudreec2r)e.aCseosr.respondingly, the response time to the customer


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