Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript
Early mainframe computers were literally the size of entire rooms. Then in the '70s and '80s, we got this idea called just-in-time, the Toyota Production Ss oy ms t ee mt i m. Te ht he ri se 'ws eae kw. hBoulte bianstiecrael lsyt ,i ni ng J satpoarny , tahr oe ul ongdi stthi cast . c Mo nadyibt ieo nI sc aa rne suhnairqeu et hcaotmwpiat rhe dy ot uo wS phaacte wceo nh satvrea ihnet sr e ai nn dt hne ast tuartaels . rWe shoautr ci se ucnoi nq suter aai bnot su. t St ho ,e tl oo g ios pt iec rs act eo n tdoi t i oe vnes ni n s Juarpvai vne? fni antaunrcai la rl leys, oyuoruc ehs atvhea tt wo emr ei nriemqiuzier etdh ea ni nd vyeonut 'ovrey gboet ct aouospe e trha at et iwn aayl i yt tol eu 'trien ymsipnai mc ei. z i n g t h e S t ( h 0 o a 0 t y : ' 1 o s 7 u w : ' 0 v h 5 e a ) t h : e haarpdp et hn ee de xwpi rt he sjsui os tn- i nn-etci me ses.i tAynids tthheenmI To twh eern to ff rionmv etnhtei omn . aTi nof raa ml aer gteo dt heeg rPeCe ,. Qwue ae lki tsy, ,a wn de tghoet i tdhei as wi daesa tchaal tl etdh es twa tai rs et ihc oa lu sper owc ae ss sg oc oi nngt rtool , gaonadwl ae ya n. I tri me me se mwbeerre sqeueoi nt eg dt hi ne at hr tei ccloevs eirn s mt oor yd ewr na s mt haitse rpiiacltsu rhea nodf lai negmopnt ye bi nu ipl dairnt gi c ua tl aHr ,a rt hl eayt Dt haev iwd saor ne h. To hu es ei mi spdl iec aadt i.oAn nodf cr eo aulrl sy eains et hmi sp tuys ewda troe hboeuas ew. aArnedh ot hu es ew. Iat rteuhronuesde onuetviet rwdai es da. nI te jmu sptt yc hf aa cntgoerdy.. AI tnwd atson a' t leavr egne dweagsr teaek, ei tn cuapmbeyt oo r ldi feer. aYsesse, mt hbel ryebwe caasu lsees st os gt oe rt at ghee sepc oa cneo mr eiqe us ior fe ds c, abl ue ti na ltl r tahnastp oo trht aetri os np awc ee
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